Counseling Services

  • All sessions are virtual and ideal for ERP therapy as your therapist can be with you in the environment(s) you’re feeling most anxious. Session length is 55 minutes.

    Learn a reliable and repeatable method to manage anxiety and reduce symptoms- no matter what thoughts OCD/anxiety throws at you.

    Sessions include a detailed plan for homework to maximize results and minimize the time you spend in therapy.

    Most clients will experience significant symptom reduction in 12 sessions*.

  • Psychotherapeutic movement groups for teens and adults available upon request. Topics include but not limited to:

    • Improv for team building

    • Energy management (formerly known as stress management)

    • Relationships and communication

    • Coping with anxiety and depression

    • Self-esteem and self-confidence

    • Parenting

  • Looking for a licensed therapist to speak to your group about mental health, communication skills, or emotional intelligence? We'd be happy to customize an in-person or virtual workshop to address your organization’s unique challenges and goals. Reach out and let us know how we can support your group with engaging and interactive content.

Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.

- Dale Carnegie